DataSelf Lite for Sage 100: Sales
This template extracts invoiced-sales data from Sage 100 (Providex or MS SQL Server based). Watch the videos for a quick tutorial, and then click the tabs above to access your reports and dashboards.
- A simple and and fast extraction process that automatically pulls data from Sage 100 and uploads it into DataSelf Lite’s user interface. A small foot-print data extraction tool needs to be installed on a computer on the same network where Sage 100 is. Minimum system requirements: 1 CPU core, 2GB of RAM, 15GB of free disk space, Win Server 2012 R2/2016 or Win 10, SSMS, fixed IP address.
- A secured, fast and easy-to-use cloud analytics portal powered by Tableau (Power BI in the near future). That translates into the most empowering tool for changing and creating new reports and dashboards, and performing data discovery.
- Canned reports and dashboard templates providing over a million easy ways to analyze and slice-and-dice the client’s data.
- Report and dashboard customization: DataSelf Lite leverages the ease-of-use of Tableau, so users and consultants can quickly learn how to customize their reports and dashboards. Tableau and DataSelf provide dozens of hours of free online training videos. Please consult us for instructor-lead classes.
- Data extraction customization: One just needs to customize their DataSelf extraction process (such as adding new fields to pre-mapped tables), and those changes will automatically flow into DataSelf Lite. Please consult us for training in how to use the extraction tool.
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DataSelf Lite Metadata for Sage 100
AR_Customer Table
Cst City = AR_Customer.City
Cst Country = AR_Customer.CountryCode
Cst State = AR_Customer.State
Cst Zip = AR_Customer.ZipCode
Customer Name = AR_Customer.CustomerName
Customer No = AR_Customer.CustomerName
Customer Status = AR_Customer.CustomerStatus
AR_Division Table
AR Division Desc = AR_Division.ARDivisionDesc
AR Division No = AR_Division.ARDivisionNo
AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail Table
Comment Text = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.CommentText
Exploded Kit Item = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.ExplodedKitItem
Extension Amt = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.ExtensionAmt
Quantity Shipped = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.QuantityShipped
Unit Cost = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.UnitCost
Unit Of Measure = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.UnitOfMeasure
Warehouse Code = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.WarehouseCode
AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader Table
Header Seq No = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.HeaderSeqNo
Invoice Date = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.InvoiceDate
Invoice No = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.InvoiceNo
Invoice Type = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.InvoiceType
Sales Order No = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.SalesOrderNo
Ship To City = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.ShipToCity
Ship To Code = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.ShipToCode
Ship to CountryCode = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.ShipToCountryCode
Ship To Name = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.ShipToName
Ship To State = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.ShipToState
Ship To Zip Code = AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader.ShipToZipCode
AR_Salesperson Table
Salesperson Division No =AR_Salesperson.SalespersonDivisionNo
Salesperson Name = AR_Salesperson.SalespersonName
Salesperson No = AR_Salesperson.SalespersonNo
CI_Item Table
Item Code = CI_Item.ItemCode
Item Code Desc = CI_Item.ItemCodeDesc
Item Type = CI_Item.ItemType
Product Line = CI_Item.ProductLine
Product Type = CI_Item.ProductType
GL_Account Table
Account = GL_Account.Account
Account Desc = GL_Account.AccountDesc
GL_FiscalYearDetail Table
Fiscal Period= GL_FiscalYearDetail.FiscalPeriod
Fiscal Year = GL_FiscalYearDetail.FiscalYear
Fiscal Period Ending = GL_FiscalYearDetail.PeriodEndingDate
IM_ProductLine Table
Product Line = IM_ProductLine.ProductLine
Product Line Desc = IM_ProductLine.ProductLineDesc
Cost of Sales = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.(if ExplodedKitItem <> ‘C’ then UnitCost * QuantityShipped end)
Gross Profit = Sales – Cost of Sales
Qty Sold = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.(if QuantityShipped <> 0 then QuantityShipped end)
Sales = AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.ExtensionAmt