DataSelf Lite for Acumatica: Sales

Watch the videos for a quick tutorial, and then click the tabs above to access your reports and dashboards.


  • A seamless, non-intrusive, and fast extraction process that automatically pulls data from Acumatica via GI(s) and connects it to DataSelf Lite’s user interface. The first extraction pulls all the historical data in chunks of hundred records at a time with pauses of a few seconds between each pull. The extraction has minimal performance impact in Acumatica. After the initial extraction, data extractions will only pull new and modified records.
  • A secured, fast and easy-to-use cloud analytics portal powered by Tableau (Power BI in the near future). That translates into an empowering tool for ad creating new reports and dashboards, and ad hoc data discovery.
  • Canned reports and dashboard templates providing over a million easy ways to analyze and slice-and-dice your data.
  • Report and dashboard customization:  Users can quickly learn how to customize their reports and dashboards. Tableau and DataSelf provide dozens of hours of free online training videos. Please consult with your reseller for instructor-lead classes.
  • Data extraction customization: One just needs to customize their DataSelf GI as needed (such as adding new objects and fields), submit a re-map request, and GI changes will automatically flow into DataSelf Lite.

Embed DataSelf into Acumatica

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Open AP – Dimensions

AR Aging = Due Date – Today
Batch No
= APInvoice.BatchNbr
= Branch.BranchCD
Discount Date = APInvoice.DiscDate
Doc Date
= APInvoice.DocDate
Doc Desc
= APInvoice.TranDesc
Doc No
= APInvoice.RefNbr
Doc Type = APInvoice.TranType
Due Date
= APInvoice.DueDate
Est Pay Date = APInvoice.EstPayDate
= Year from APInvoice.TranPeriodID
FPeriod = Period from APInvoice.TranPeriodID
Fiscal Period = YYYY/MM from APInvoice.TranPeriodID
Hold? = APInvoice.Hold
Open Doc? = APInvoice.OpenDoc
PO Num = APInvoice.PONumber
Released? = ARInvoice.Released
LMDT System = GLTran.LastModifiedDateTime
Source = APInvoice.OrigModule
= APInvoice.Status
Subacct ID = Sub.SubCD
State = Location -> Address.State
Terms = APInvoice.TermsID
URL Acumatica = Acumatica core URL
URL Cust = Acumatica URL for Customer
URL Doc = Acumatica URL for Invoice
Vend Class = VendorClass.Descr
Vend ID = Vendor.AcctCD
Vend Doc No = APInvoice.InvoiceNbr
Vend Name= Vendor.AcctName
Vendor = Vend ID + Vend Name
Voided? = APInvoice.Voided

Open AP – Measures

Disc Balance = APInvoice.DiscBal
Disc Original =
Disc Taken =
Disc Total =
Line Amt = APInvoice.LineTotal
Tax =
Balance = APInvoice.DocBalance (negative for returns and payments)
Doc Amt = APInvoice.OrigDocAmt (negative for returns or credit memos)
Paid = Doc Amt – Balance


Open AR – Dimensions

AR Aging = Due Date – Today
Batch No
= ARInvoice.BatchNbr
= Branch.BranchCD
City = Location->Address.City
Country = Location->Address.CountryID
Cust ID= BAccountR.AcctCD
Cust Name = BAccountR.AcctName
Customer = Cust ID + Cst Name
Cust Location = Location.LocationID
Doc Date = ARInvoice.DocDate
Doc Desc
= ARInvoice.TranDesc
Doc No
= ARInvoice.RefNbr
Doc Type = ARInvoice.TranType
Due Date
 = ARInvoice.DueDate
FYear = Year from ARInvoice.TranPeriodID
FPeriod = Period from ARInvoice.TranPeriodID
Fiscal Period = YYYY/MM from ARInvoice.TranPeriodID
GL Class = Account.AccountClassID
GL Acct ID =
GL Acct =
Account.AccountCD + Account.Description
GL Acct Type
= Account.Type
Hold? = ARInvoice.Hold
Last Payment Date = ARInvoice.LastPaymentDate
Released? = ARInvoice.Released
LMDT System = GLTran.LastModifiedDateTime
Slprsn Cust = ARInvoice -> SalesPerson.Descr
Slprsn Doc =
ARInvoice -> SalesPerson.Descr
Status= ARInvoice.Status
= Sub.SubCD + Sub.Description
Subacct ID = Sub.SubCD
State = Location -> Address.State
Terms = ARInvoice.TermsID
URL Acumatica = Acumatica core URL
URL Cust = Acumatica URL for Customer
URL Doc = Acumatica URL for Invoice

Open AR – Measures

Balance = ARInvoice.DocBal (negative for returns or credit memos)
Commission =
ARInvoice.CommnAmt (negative for returns or credit memos)
Discount = ARInvoice.DocDisc (negative for returns or credit memos)
Tax = ARInvoice.TaxTotal (negative for returns or credit memos)
Total Orig = ARInvoice.OrigDocAmt (negative for returns or credit memos)


Sales – Dimensions

Batch No = GLTran.BatchNbr
= Branch.BranchCD
City = Location->Address.City
Country = Location->Address.CountryID
Cust ID= BAccountR.AcctCD
Cust Name = BAccountR.AcctName
Customer = Cust ID + Cst Name
Cust Location = Location.LocationID
Doc Balance = ARInvoice.DocBal
Doc Date = GLTran.TranDate
Doc No
= GLTran.BatchNbr for Source=GL, ARInvoice.RefNbr for Source=IN, GLTran.RefNbr for all other Source.
Doc Status = ARInvoice.Status
Doc Type
= GLTran.TranType
Due Date
 = ARInvoice.DueDate
FYear = Year from GLTran.FinPeriodID
FPeriod = Period from GLTran.FinPeriodID
Fiscal Period = YYYY/MM from GLTran.FinPeriodID
GL Class ID = Account.AccountClassID
GL Class =
GL Acct ID =
GL Acct =
Account.AccountCD + Account.Description
GL Acct Type
= Account.Type
Intercompany? = GLTran.IsInterCompany
Item Class = INItemClass.ItemClassCD
Line Desc = ARTran.TranDesc
Line Type = ARTran.LineType
LMDT System = GLTran.LastModifiedDateTime
PM Tran ID
= GLTran.PMTranID
Prod Desc=
Prod ID =
Product = Prod ID + Prod Desc
Slprsn Cust = ARInvoice -> SalesPerson.Descr
Slprsn Doc =
ARInvoice -> SalesPerson.Descr
= ARInvoice.SOOrderNbr
Source = GLTran.Module
Stock Item? = InventoryItem.StkItem
Subacct = Sub.SubCD + Sub.Description
Subacct ID = Sub.SubCD
State = Location -> Address.State
Terms = ARInvoice.TermsID
= GLTran.UOM
URL Acumatica = Acumatica core URL
URL Cust = Acumatica URL for Customer
URL Doc = Acumatica URL for Invoice
URL Prod = Acumatica URL for Product
Whse = INSite.SiteCD

Sales – Measures

Commission = ARTran.CommnAmt
Cost Of Sales = GLTran.DebitAmt – CreditAmt when Acct Type = Expense.
Discount = ARTran.DiscAmt
Gross Profit = Sales – Cost of Sales
GP % = Gross Profit/Sales
Qty Sold = GLTran.Qty *(-1 if Return or CM)
Sales = GLTran.CreditAmt – DebitAmt when Acct Type = Income.
