Welcome to the DataSelf Blog!

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We want to hear what you have to say not just about DataSelf, but also the BI and Analytics market in general, data warehousing, data management and industry best practice.We want your opinions about emerging trends, or who the thought leaders are at present and the ones to watch.

How are you leveraging analytics – what works, what doesn’t? Do you favor Excel over automation? Why?bigstock-Close-up-image-of-an-office-wo-41874253_B

We’ll be bringing you interviews with DataSelf executives and our own thought leaders, as well as other content from not only DataSelf but from our readers like you!

So please join the conversation – we look forward to hearing from you!

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About the Author:

DataSelf Founder and CEO. Business intelligence. Lover of active life. Caveman inspired. US & Brazil.