90 Minds meet: one location, many results

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90mindsIf you run into a Sage reseller, you could safely assume he’s a smart guy. Then if you put dozens of them in a room, you get what adds up to genius. That’s the Meeting of the Minds conference in a nutshell:  three days of networking among people who solve the data problems of small- to mid-sized businesses.

This year, DataSelf will join them in downtown San Diego, CA. CEO Joni Girardi will collaborate with resellers on business intelligence in their market and how DataSelf fits in.

Meeting of the Minds is produced by 90 Minds, a group of individual resellers who’ve joined for collaboration and mutual support for helping customers use data. The group numbers 150 individual members representing 80 reseller practices.

About the Author:

DataSelf Founder and CEO. Business intelligence. Lover of active life. Caveman inspired. US & Brazil.